Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mercy Being Poured Out...

I'm so thankful to tell y'all that Milla is doing a bit better this week!  Thank you again and again for your prayers.  We have seen God's mercy poured out...the contract on the house, the improvement in Milla's seizure activity...

Specific prayers that we had for Milla and that I wrote about to y'all have been answered.  Her seizure activity has decreased and she has been happy and energetic!!!  (This is also getting her in trouble a lot - but thankful nonetheless.)  Thank you for praying with faith - for praying for miracles.  She is still falling a good bit and not sleeping well and definitely still having seizures but there is such a huge difference this week.  God is good.

Also, more mercy...the people buying our house agreed to push the closing date back a bit so we could have a bit more time to get the new house ready.  We will close Friday, October 24th AND they are giving us the whole weekend to move - we don't have to be out until Monday, the 27th.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to write everyone back that has written - but THANK YOU for staying in touch with me, giving us wonderful and wise words of encouragement, for yummy meals, for helping with the girls, for your offers to help, for filling up our hearts.  Thank you to those of you that we don't know but are praying faithfully nonetheless.

Please continue to pray as we have our house inspection Friday morning and will go into LeBonheur Tuesday.  And then we pack.  My oh my.  

Much love - and wow - just thank you again.  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow...let all creation praise His name.

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