Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Elle's Surgery Update

Rough night. Elle had lots of breakthrough pain, a little fever, heart rate up, o2 sat fell for just a bit so she had to have some binasal oxygen for a few hours. She's off it now and her heart rate is still a bit high (130s). Fever is down. She just ate a little and drank a little. 👍🏼So she's doing ok but jury is out on discharge plans.

(Lots of rational and 'ok' reasons for all these things but keeping a close eye on her.)

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Elle and you guys nightly... Yep, your brifhy pink Post-It-Note AND family pic on our mirror ensures you're never out of sight, mind & heart for very long!
    Holy Hugs & Persistant 'Importunate Widow-Type" RIGHT NOW!
    "Lord,Jesus,we are powerless! PLEASE heal your dear, sweet Elle for your tender mercies' sake!"
    Johnny & Becky
